OptiVID "zoom 6.5X"
Video optics, adapter 1.00X
Video optics are contactless measuring instruments. They allow you to view the edges of a part or to position the part without constraint. Marcel Aubert can offer you an even wider choice than the one represented in the downloadable documents below. A very wide range of software will allow you to adapt the symbols or measuring functions corresponding to your application. Zoom-optics allow you to quickly adapt the field of view to the required precision while guaranteeing a fixed focal length.
24" "All In One" monitor (PC included in the screen)./p>
N°: MA 730-Z1-18...
- Great flexibility in the analysis of the image thanks to the wide choice of software.
- Different interchangeable lenses to choose from.
- 1.3Mpx USB3.0 color camera.
- 6.5X zoom-optics (with or without 4 indexes)
- Attachment Ø39.7mm.
- Weight 1.2kg.